The Special Education Advisory Committee advises the Board of Trustees on all matters related to the provisions of special education programs and services to exceptional pupils within the KPDSB.

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board believes that SEAC representation should occur from all regions of the Board and members generally represent a provincially recognized association, but members-at-large are also appointed by the Board. The committee is comprised mainly of parents who represent a local association that shares an interest in supporting exceptional children. SEAC is also served by trustees of the Board, and acting in an advisory capacity are Special Assignment Teachers and a Supervisory Officer.

SEAC Members as Resources

The SEAC members can be very helpful to parents and students because of their knowledge of the concerns of their associations and of the Board’s practices and personnel. If you have a specific concern, a SEAC member will probably be able to suggest a course of action, direct you to the appropriate personnel to help, and if necessary, advocate for you and your child.

SEAC Meetings

The SEAC meets the third Wednesday of each month from September to June. Meetings are teleconferenced from sites in various communities. Sites and dates for the upcoming meetings can be obtained by calling the Board Office in Kenora at (807) 468-5571 ext. 236 or 1-877-275-7771.